TrEdmonds featured in Seattle Times' Pacific Magazine
Seattle Times' Ron Judd asked readers to come up with one Bright Idea that would make the area better. Here's what he said about TrEdmonds in Pacific Magazine:
One of the most enthusiastic enthusiastic, not to mention well-developed (bright ideas), came from Janette Turner of Edmonds, who sees her community aging - not necessarily in the best way - and seeks to give it a shot of civic adrenaline through a creative marketing campaign. Thus, the suburban city of Edmonds would take on a new persona: "TrEdmonds!" using the "tread" concept to promote an outdoorsy, foot-powered theme for the town.
Turner, a mom and reporter for a local neews blog, has already taken the definitive modern yes-I-am-serious-about-this-step, registering a domain name for the word "TrEdmonds."
"The town would be known for treads of all kinds," she wrote in her pitch. "Shoe treads, trail treads, biking treads. To do this, Frances Anderson center and park would be turned into a community activity core, like Green Lake, with a workout facility and free classes (led by volunteer teachers) in tai chi, yog and more on the grassland. There would be weekly events for bike-riding trails through Yost and Olympic parks, and a monthly trail-to-tide run down to the beach and back. The outdoors would be the priority in town because that attracts the leisure and creative class."
Turner, a reporter for My Edmonds News and just a "cheerleader for the town," has submitted the idea to the mayor and awaits a response. (JT note: Yes, our wonderful mayor has responded).
Her suggested new city motto -- "Get Your Tread On!" -- surely would lead to an entire new industry in revisionist bumper stickers, urging all onlookers to "Have A TrEdmonds Kind of Day!"
(Awesome photo by Ken Lambert).
One of the most enthusiastic enthusiastic, not to mention well-developed (bright ideas), came from Janette Turner of Edmonds, who sees her community aging - not necessarily in the best way - and seeks to give it a shot of civic adrenaline through a creative marketing campaign. Thus, the suburban city of Edmonds would take on a new persona: "TrEdmonds!" using the "tread" concept to promote an outdoorsy, foot-powered theme for the town.
Turner, a mom and reporter for a local neews blog, has already taken the definitive modern yes-I-am-serious-about-this-step, registering a domain name for the word "TrEdmonds."
"The town would be known for treads of all kinds," she wrote in her pitch. "Shoe treads, trail treads, biking treads. To do this, Frances Anderson center and park would be turned into a community activity core, like Green Lake, with a workout facility and free classes (led by volunteer teachers) in tai chi, yog and more on the grassland. There would be weekly events for bike-riding trails through Yost and Olympic parks, and a monthly trail-to-tide run down to the beach and back. The outdoors would be the priority in town because that attracts the leisure and creative class."
Turner, a reporter for My Edmonds News and just a "cheerleader for the town," has submitted the idea to the mayor and awaits a response. (JT note: Yes, our wonderful mayor has responded).
Her suggested new city motto -- "Get Your Tread On!" -- surely would lead to an entire new industry in revisionist bumper stickers, urging all onlookers to "Have A TrEdmonds Kind of Day!"
(Awesome photo by Ken Lambert).